The Plan

You'll make a shake in the morning and take it with your pills. You can also mix the supplement powder with coconut water, almond, hemp or rice milk or blend it into your favorite smoothie.

Revive is about abundance, about discovering something new, enjoying delicious, quality foods and replensishing your system. By sending healthy messages to your genes on a daily basis you can expect to feel great - revived and rejuvenated in every sense of the word.

Revive Ingredients & Nutrition Information
Download the Program Manual



You'll eat a full meal for lunch and dinner by following our dietary do’s and don’ts. Take time to really enjoy your food. The idea is not to stick to a strict diet, but to pick and choose from a wide variety of healthy foods. For meal and snack suggestions follow our easy, healthy recipes.

Refueling yourself with fresh, unprocessed, quality foods and deciding what to eat, or not, makes a big difference. Eat lunch regularly and dinner early. Try to stop eating when you feel eighty-percent full.

Revive Diet
Shopping Guidelines



Relieve physical and mental stress with our simple, but effective exercise suggestions.

Use the Restorative yoga for deep relaxation and rejuvenation and our massage tips to release daily tension. Make it practical by setting aside a regular  time you can stick to.

Restorative Exercises