Reclining Open Chest Pose

This pose helps to elevate your mood and energize you when you are tired. When we support the back in this way and open the chest we tend to feel more emotionally buoyant and physically energized.

  1. Roll up one blanket into a long, tight Tootsie Roll shape (like the one in the photograph under the model's chest).
  2. Take a second blanket and fold it in half (like the one under the model's head).
  3. Adjust the rolled blanket's position so that when you lie back, it comes to rest in the center of the upper back, just under the shoulder blades.
  4. Then lie back so that your head rests comfortably on the second folded blanket. Your head and neck should feel easy.
  5. Your throat should be relaxed and not overstretched or closed.
  6. Open and lift your chest.
  7. Stay in the pose, relaxing for 5 to 10 minutes.



Cross Crawl on Foam Roller

Strengthens your core muscles, improves balance, challenges coordination, reduces any physical disparity between right and left sides.

  1. Lie lengthwise on the foam roller.
  2. Place your feet parallel, flat on the floor, hip width apart so that you knees line up with your hip bones and feet are directly under knees.
  3. Relax your arms at your sides, palms facing up.
  4. Slowly lift your left foot off the floor, moving your left knee over your left hip (your knee is bent), while simultaneously lifting your right hand from the floor toward the ceiling.
  5. Keep the roller as still as possible, without strain or tension, breathing deeply.
  6. Hold for several breaths, and then switch sides.
  7. Perform 5 sets.



Legs Up The Wall

A refreshing restorative pose that you can do anywhere. Regulates blood pressure, refreshes the abdominal organs and prevents varicose veins. Great after a day on your feet.


  1. Grab a blanket and find an open wall in your house. Fold the blanket into quarters.
  2. Next, lie on the floor so that your left hip is touching the wall. Keep your blanket nearby as you will need it under your head.
  3. Bend your knees and then slowly roll down onto your side so that your right hip is touching the wall and both hips and feet are touching the floor (top photo).
  4. Then bend your knees into your chest, hug them in and then swing around, bringing your legs up onto the wall. Your body should make an L (as in 3rd photo) and your butt should be as close to the wall as your hamstrings will allow.
  5. Place the blanket under the head so that the chin is parallel with the floor.
  6. Move your arms out to your sides in a cactus shape. Keep the legs straight and relax your head, face, neck, shoulders and belly.
  7. As a variation you can move your legs into a modest split for a minute or two (4th photo)
  8. Stay in the pose for 10 minutes to get the full effect. If you feel a slight tingling in your legs, this is normal. If it becomes painful, bring your legs down and move into a crossed-legged position with your legs still resting on the wall.

Do not practice this pose during menstruation.




Ultimate Foot Massage With Tennis Balls

This relieves achy feet by releasing tight muscles and fascia, reduces strain and pressure on the toes and toe joints from wearing shoes, and improves balance.

  1. Stand on a mat or carpeted surface with a tennis ball placed under the arch of your foot.
  2. Gently press your body weight into the tennis ball.
  3. Slowly open and close your foot over the tennis ball; flaring your toes when you open them and squeezing like a fist when you close.
  4. Repeat 5 times in one area and then move to a different part of the foot's arch. Apply as much pressure as you can bear and hold it for a few seconds.
  5. Move on to the next area of tenderness and hold.

You may feel pain in certain areas of the foot’s arch which is normal as you are relieving the tense muscles. If you feel any sharp pain immediately stop the exercise.



Supported Relaxation Pose

This pose relaxes the diaphragm and has a healthy effect on breathing as well as a soothing effect on the nervous system

  1. Lower the lights in the room.
  2. Lie on the floor or on a yoga mat if you have one. Allow your feet to rest about 12 inches apart.
  3. Support your head on a folded blanket or towel.
  4. Extend the back of your neck, bringing your chin slightly down and letting your throat be soft.
  5. Your head support blanket or towel should not strain your neck but should support the natural curve and shape of your cervical spine.
  6. Allow your feet and legs to roll out into an easy and relaxed position.
  7. Extend your arms to the sides at an angle, knuckles down, palms up, hands relaxed.
  8. Stay in the pose for 10 minutes to get the full effect.